Fyffes helps champions Dundalk FC build a global fan base

League of Ireland champions Dundalk FC has proven what it takes to be winners. Through their team sponsorship, Dundalk-based banana importers Fyffes proved what a devilishly good decision it was to support their local stars.

When thinking how they might extend their support for the team in a way that would bring the Dundalk FC story to a wider, global audience, Fyffes came up with the devilishly good idea to produce a YouTube video which could be viewed across the globe – wherever fans and friends of Dundalk and its local football team are.

Once finished and ready to be uploaded, Hall PR got the call, coming on side to apply our devilishly special skill to publicise the production and promote the attendance of the manager and players at an informal launch event held at the Fyffes banana ripening facility in Swords.

Once announced in national, local and online media, it didn’t take long before tweeters and social media activists got in on the act, lighting their fire under the production and rapidly pushing the number of ‘views’ past the 60,000 mark in just a matter of days.

It’s a production on which a final whistle will never blow…one for which club and fans alike are devilishly thankful to Fyffes.