GDPR Compliance

  • The Hall Company Limited is wholly accepting of principles governing data protection and privacy enshrined in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


  • Consistent with the peculiar nature of its trade, The Hall Company Limited is committed to the principles of good corporate governance, and to observing, without evasion, equivocation or any reservation whatsoever, all measures as might reasonably be required to ensure its full compliance with GDPR and the provisions set out therein


  • The company does not gather, store or otherwise farm data that would be deemed in contravention of GDPR, nor does it have any purpose in trade that would necessitate such practice. For that reason it considers itself to be wholly in compliance with the requirements of GDPR, both in the letter and in spirit


  • To the very rare and limited extent that it might retain such data for archival purposes, it would do so, strictly for the purpose of discharging the obligations expected of it by the nature of its trade, and not for any purpose which a reasonable person would consider to be in contravention of GDPR


  • The Hall Company Limited does not store or use data for any purpose other than that for which it was gathered, being, as it is, extremely sensitive in matters of confidentiality and instinctively predisposed towards privacy and security of data in all regards


  • Data held by the company is restricted to those full-time employees for use only by them, all of whom express their willingness to amend or delete content or withdraw it completely from use, if requested or advised


  • It does not trade data or otherwise share such content with others. Moreover, it guards its email address book, seeing it as a form of intellectual property assembled over time for its own exclusive use, and not to be transferred or shared with third-parties


  • In view of all that is stated above, and its small employee numbers, the appointment of a DPO is not considered necessary at this time



The Hall Company Limited – May 25th 2018